This dangerous poison is found in this grass, it causes allergy just by touching it.

This dangerous poison is found in this grass, it causes allergy just by touching it.

Lakhs of species of trees and plants are found on earth. Along with trees and plants, many species of grass are also found. Some of these grasses are beneficial for humans and some grasses are quite dangerous. Today we are going to tell you about a grass, on touching which a person starts getting allergy. Yes, it is especially dangerous for humans as well as animals. 

Wild grass 

You must have noticed that growing grass around houses is a common thing. Is. Wild grass grows in any vacant place including houses. But today we are going to tell you about a grass which is dangerous for humans as well as animals. If you also see this grass somewhere, then you should be careful about it.

Carrot Grass

Let us tell you that the name of this grass is Carrot Grass. This grass not only spoils the crops of the farmers, it is also very dangerous for humans. Its name is β€˜carrot grass’ (Parthenium hysterophorus). This carrot grass is mostly seen in vacant plots, roadsides and railway lines. These grow anywhere and spread rapidly. 

This grass is dangerous for the body

According to agricultural experts, this grass is so dangerous that if anyone comes in contact with it If he comes in, he may suffer from allergies and eczema as well as skin related diseases. At the same time, staying in contact for too long can also cause serious diseases like asthma. Apart from this, Dr. NC Tripathi, in-charge of Agricultural Science Center, Niyamatpur, says that carrot grass is a dangerous weed, which not only destroys the crops of farmers, but also harms human life. Even animals do not eat it.

Carrot grass is dangerous

Carrot grass is known colloquially as Congress grass and in scientific language as Parthenium hysterophorus. According to scientists, carrot grass plant contains a poisonous chemical called parthenin. This is the reason that whoever touches it, that is, if this grass comes in contact with his body, it has a bad effect on the health of humans and animals. Due to this, the chances of many diseases like allergies and itching, burning sensation in the eyes, black spots and blisters on the body especially around the eyes, fever, asthma, cold, asthma, skin and respiratory allergies etc. increases.

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